
Introduction to International Asset Protection


© Copyright 2000-2010 Wealth International, Ltd.

Last revised: August 2010

Table of Contents

Part 1: The Case for Diversifying Internationally




Your assets are at greater risk than you realize

An economic crisis looms
Care to play legal roulette? You are in the game, like it or not
Uncle Sam and his dependents want your money
Your privacy is low to nonexistent
Big Brother wants to get to know you real well
Later may be too late

What to do? / A Quick Test

Part 2: Asset Protection Tools

How NOT to Protect Your Assets

Proposed Solution

Limits to Any Solution

Incomplete Solutions for Asset Protection


Pure Trusts
A Note on Trust Taxation
Trusts That Protect
Domestic or Foreign?
The W.I.L. Approach
Ownership vs. Use
Other International Structures

Tool Use Examples

Protecting Your Home or Real Estate
Protecting Your Investments
Protecting Business Assets
Avoiding Probate
Using a Business to Shelter Tax-deductible Benefits
Income Splitting
Profit upstreaming

Access to Higher Yield Investments Available only to Nondomestic Entities

The Benefits of Internationalizing: Summary

Summary of Advantages of Establishing a Properly Structured Foreign Entity

Some Elementary Mathematics

Points to Remember

Moving financial assets abroad is legal
Tax avoidance, deferral, and reduction is legal
Asset protection is in your – and everyone’s – best interest
The rules may change but the existence of opportunities will remain

Who Should Utilize International Asset Protection?

Further Reading

Appendix 1: Nondomestic Trust Structuring and Its Impact on the United States Taxpayor

The “Grantor” Trust with a U.S. Settlor/Grantor
The “Non-Grantor” Trust
The Wealth International, Ltd. Alternative

Appendix 2: Characteristics of an Effective Asset Protection Plan: Important Details

How the W.I.L. Approach Fulfills These Conditions

Appendix 3: Interacting with International Entities via Private Contracts

Appendix 4: Limited Liability Companies for U.S. Domestic Asset Protection

The LLC Alternative
Combining a U.S. LLC with International Entities
Why New Mexico?

=> Start

NOTE: This report is presented with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal or accounting services. Questions relevant to the specific tax, legal, and accounting needs of the reader should be addressed to practicing members of those professions. This information was gathered from sources believed to be reliable but it can not be guaranteed insofar as it applies to any particular taxpayer. Wealth International, Limited specifically disclaims any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence directly or indirectly of the use and application of any of the techniques or contents of this report. No copies of this material may be made or redistributed without the express written consent of Wealth International, Ltd.